Spring 2024

Past Teaching

  • MTG5316 - Topology I Fall 2023. University of South Florida

  • Math 21 - Calculus Spring 2023. Stanford.

  • Math 283A - Topics in Topology Fall 2022. Stanford.

  • Math 215A - Algebraic Topology Fall 2022. Stanford.

  • Math 20 - Calculus Winter 2022. Stanford.

  • Math 115 - Functions of One Real Variable, Fall 2021. Stanford.

  • Math 52 - Integral Calculus of Several Variables, Fall 2021. Stanford.

  • Math 52 - Integral Calculus of Several Variables, Summer 2021. Stanford.

  • Math 20 - Calculus, Spring 2021. Stanford.

  • Math 115 - Functions of One Real Variable, Spring 2021. Stanford.

  • Math 115 - Functions of One Real Variable, Spring 2021. Stanford.

  • 18.06 - Linear algebra, Fall 2018. Resitation leader. MIT.

  • 18.03 - Differential equation, Spring 2018. Resitation leader. MIT.


I have been a PRIMES mentor for many years during my Ph.D. studying at MIT. The PRIMES is a program launched by MIT Math Department that provides research opportunities in mathematics, engineering and science for top high school students across the America. Here is a portal to the PRIMES homepage. The followings are some selected projects:

  • Mentee: Yi Liang

  • Mentee: Jessica Zhang
    • Period: Jan 2020 - Jul 2020
    • Research paper: Classification of tight contact structures on a solid torus. Accepted by Math. Res. Lett.
    • Jessica has received the following awards: 1. 2021 Regeneron STS top 40 finalist. 2. 2021 S.-T. Yau High School Science Award (North America), Bronze Medal in Mathematics. 3. 2021 Regeneron ISEF 2nd Grand Award. 4. The first-place award of the Karl Menger Memorial Awards from AMS.
    • Jessica has been admitted to Harvard.

  • Mentee: Nithin Kavi

  • Mentee: Nithin Kavi and Wendy Wu

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